About Us

Centerville Animal Hospital has been helping pets and their people since 1995. Over the years, Dr. Amanda Hayden has gathered together a talented group of like-minded veterinary professionals. Individually, we each feel privileged to positively impact the health and happiness of our patients. Together, we are here to help you take the best possible care of your pets.

No description of a veterinary hospital would be complete without a declaration of just how much we love animals and value our clients. Don't get us wrong... we do and we do! We believe such an important statement needs to be made by our actions and not just our words.

We firmly believe that there is a perfect veterinary hospital for every pet parent. We are just as confident that Centerville Animal Hospital is not like any other veterinary hospital in the area.

What We Are:

  • An AAHA accredited hospital
  • A place where cutting edge veterinary science and medical techniques meet compassionate care
  • An environment of learning and continued education—for our staff and our clients
  • A bridge to the network of highly skilled veterinary specialists in our area
  • Advocates for preventative medicine and a lifetime of pet wellness

What We Are Not:

  • A discount vaccine clinic
  • A place to euthanize an unwanted animal
  • Subscribers of out-dated or corner-cutting techniques and medical principles
  • Interested in anything less than the best care for your and your pets